تمارين على Verb to Be – اسئلة على verb to be مع التصحيح – 20 سؤال وجواب
قم بحل اختبار و تمارين على Verb to Be مكون من 20 سؤال اختر الاجابة الصحيحة مع التصحيح وشرح سبب اختيار الاجابات. تعلم من خلال هذا الاختبار verb to be في كل الازمنة.
قم بحل تمارين على verb to Be
تفسير الاجابات الصحيحة بعد اخر سؤال
She …… my friend.
a) are
b) am
c) is
d) have been
They …… my family.
a) are
b) is
c) was
d) being
I ….. very smart.
a) is
b) are
c) were
d) am
You ….. absent yesterday.
a) were
b) was
c) have been
d) are
I ….. ill for four days.
a) was
b) have been
c) am
d) were
Susan …… not here right now.
a) is
b) are
c) was
d) were
Mariam and I ….. friends for 5 years.
a) was
b) have been
c) were
d) are
He …… not there last week.
a) is
b) has been
c) was
d) are
This cat ….. not mine.
a) is
b) were
c) am
d) am
Good people ….. always kind.
a) were
b) is
c) was
d) are
My mother ….. a doctor.
a) were
b) is
c) has been
d) are
I will ….. 15 years old next year.
a) being
b) been
c) be
d) are
قم أيضا بحل تمارين على الماضي البسيط في اللغة الانجليزية
We ….. hungry two hours ago but now we are not.
a) were
b) was
c) are
d) have been
My brothers ….. older than me.
a) are
b) was
c) were
d) had been
Her eyes …. blue and wide.
a) was
b) are
c) be
d) being
His father ….. not at home when I called him.
a) is
b) were
c) was
d) are
This dress ….. so expensive.
a) is
b) are
c) be
d) being
It …… very sunny yesterday.
a) were
b) was
c) has been
d) was being
…… you ready to go out?
a) Do
b) Does
c) Have
d) Are
Don’t ….. afraid of anything.
a) be
b) been
c) are
d) being
شرح الاجابات الصحيحة على اختبار Verb to Be
c) is
She is my friend.
هي صديقتي.
She >> فاعل مفرد
Present simple tense زمن المضارع البسيط
a) are
They are my family.
انهم عائلتي.
They >> فاعل جمع
Present simple tense زمن المضارع البسيط
d) am
I am very smart.
انا ذكي جدا.
I >> أنا
Present Simple Tense زمن المضارع البسيط
a) were
You were absent yesterday.
كنت غائبا أمس.
You >> انت
Yesterday >> Past Simple tense زمن الماضي البسيط
b) have been
I have been ill for four days.
لقد كنت مريضا لمدة أربعة أيام.
I >> أنا
for >> Present Perfect Tense keyword زمن المضارع التام
قم آيضا بحل اختبارات على زمن المضارع البسيط مع الشرح
a) is
Susan is not here right now.
سوزان ليست هنا الآن.
Susan >> فاعل مفرد
Present Simple tense زمن المضارع البسيط
b) have been
Mariam and I have been friends for 5 years.
أنا ومريم صديقتان منذ 5 سنوات.
Marriam and I >> فاعل جمع
for >> Present Perfect tense زمن المضارع التام
c) was
He was not there last week.
هو لم يكن هناك الأسبوع الماضي.
He >> فاعل مفرد
Last week >> Past Simple tense زمن الماضي البسيط
a) is
This cat is not mine.
هذه القطة ليست لي.
This cat >> فاعل مفرد
Present Simple tense زمن المضارع البسيط
d) are
Good people are always kind.
الناس الصالحون دائما طيبون.
People >> فاعل جمع
Present Simple tense زمن المضارع البسيط
b) is
My mother is a doctor.
امي طبيبة.
My mother >> فاعل مفرد
Present Simple tense زمن المضارع البسيط
c) be
I will be 15 years old next year.
سأكون في الخامسة عشرة من عمري العام المقبل.
Will + مصدر الفعل
a) were
We were hungry two hours ago but now we are not.
كنا جائعين منذ ساعتين ولكننا الآن لسنا جائعين.
we >> فاعل جمع
ago >> Past Simple keyword كلمة دالة على زمن الماضي البسيط
a) are
My brothers are older than me.
إخواني أكبر مني.
Brothers >> فاعل جمع
Present Simple tense زمن المضارع البسيط
b) are
Her eyes are blue and wide.
عيناها زرقاء وواسعة.
Eyes >> فاعل جمع
Present Simple tense زمن المضارع البسيط
c) was
His father was not at home when I called him.
لم يكن والده في المنزل عندما اتصلت به.
Father >> فاعل مفرد
when .. called >> Past Simple tense زمن الماضي البسيط
a) is
This dress is so expensive.
هذا الفستان غالي جدا
Dress >> فاعل مفرد
Present Simple tense زمن المضارع البسيط
b) was
It was very sunny yesterday.
كان الجو مشمس جدا البارحة.
It >> فاعل مفرد
Yesterday >> Past Simple tense keyword كلمة دالة على الماضي البسيط
d) Are
Are you ready to go out?
هل انت جاهز للخروج؟
You >> انت
Present Simple tense زمن المضارع البسيط
a) be
Don’t be afraid of anything.
لا تخاف من أي شيء.
Don’t + مصدر الفعل
اشترك في موقعنا – اكتب بريدك الالكتروني
Verb to Be in different tenses
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